Monday, March 16, 2009

My new egg cooker!

So, we might be strange having an egg cooker, but we really like it! We had one that was built right into our toaster, but that part of it died. So I set out to find a new one. I looked online and at a few stores and found one today at Fleet & Farm in Oshkosh here. Most of the ones I looked at I would have had to have shipped, but I can always count on Fleet! We are trying it out right now. It cooks 7 eggs for soft or hard boil, and 4 for poached eggs. We really like our hard boiled eggs. Keith likes to eat a couple for breakfast or break at work - with Ritz crackers. And I like to have one for breakfast or after a workout/run. So, we are back to cookin eggs again! (I hate doing them on the stove)

1 comment:

  1. That is a cute little thing! You guys have all the funky appliances! :) So how long does it take to cook an egg? It looks easy--just one on/off button!
